Taurus PC Repair Services
Virus & Spyware Removal: 
We will remove any spyware, malware or virus that we can find using various tools. 
Tune-ups & Tweaks: 
We will remove unneeded programs, unnecessary start-up items in your start menu, run tests on disks and memory to detect any potential issues to enhance the performance of your PC. 
Data Backup & Transfer: 
We will show you how to back up all important data, to minimize the risk of data loss due to malware or hardware failure. We can also help move data from an old computer to a new computer. 
Setup of New Computers & Peripherals: 
We will install any computer hardware component such as memory, video card, hard drive, DVD drive, network adapter, TV tuner card, CPU, power supply or other third party component you may have into your desktop computer.3
New Windows Installations: 
A completely new installation will include an O/S Install¹, All Windows Updates, Java, Adobe Reader, and any third party software provided by customer². New and reinstallations of OS will require the PC to come to our shop. Please call to schedule a FREE pick up of your PC. 
Wireless Router & Security Configuration: 
Setup may vary depending on internet service provider, hardware and devices being installed. 
Desktop Computer Dusting & Cleaning: 
We will blow out your desktop PC and all internal parts with compressed air. This will help extend the life of your computer and prevent your CPU, power supply and video card from overheating. 
If you require additional services not listed above please don't hesitate to call or email us and we will gladly assist you as fast as we can. 
1. OS media to be supplied by customer. OS media supplied must be original media and not a copy, if OS media cannot be supplied then a copy of the latest version of Windows can be purchased. OS cost depends on version of Windows  purchased. 
2. All 3rd party software provided must be original software and not copies.
3. Please verify that all componants are compatible, if you are unsure feel free to contact us.